Originally posted on Nappily Nigerian Girl




Hi people, what’s been on?

I try to focus more on hairtalk….since this is primarily a natural hair blog but then I decided it won’t hurt to share a little bit of what I’ve learnt in another journey called life and how I’ve been able to cope with the good times and bad times.

My favorite quote comes from one of my favorite brands of hair products called “Aussie Moist” and it goes like this….

There’s more to life than hair but it’s a good place to start”.

It is indeed! I’ve learnt a lot of life lessons while taking care of my hair.

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Originally Posted On Nourished Kitchen



Matcha tea lattes are creamy, with the faint bittersweet green notes of tea and a touch of vanilla. A little honey goes a long way to sweeten this latte, while collagen peptides give it a boost of nourishment. Tastes delicious! And it’s a great morning wake up.

Burden of Desires

Originally posted on Fruitofmybranches.com

the weight

It all began the day He watched Adam and Even choose knowledge over intimacy with Him. That’s the day He picked up the burden, the burden of His desire to get us back in close fellowship with Him. It was a burden because He had to bear the weight of carrying the desire until just the right time to receive it. The separation of God and man was more painful for Him than it ever was for us. For years, He had to accept sacrifices from animals whose blood was never pure enough to last, and He had to go through priests that were just as fallen as us. When your desire is for a face to face relationship with someone, anything less doesn’t satisfy; it just makes the desires stronger and weightier. The only answer was to give His own Son as a sacrifice. His desire to be close to us was greater than the desire to preserve His Son.

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