Spotlight: Leah Essence

Hello Dear Readers!

As you already know, we at JadeNJazz Blog love to spotlight our  fellow inspirational sisters. Today we will be shining a light on another fellow believer, who (just like our own Sweet Melissauses her platforms (YouTube and Instagram) to share inspirationally inspired tips on beauty, haircare, relationships, and she even does bible studies and other encouraging videos ! 💛



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Spotlight : Downtown Demure- Christian Blogger -Modest Fashion

Downtown Demure is a christian blog to encourage women of all ages to live boldly for Christ and dress modestly (yet stylishly!). 


Most of the latest fashion trends that influence women today tout that less is more. Because of this we are seeing more and more women wearing revealing clothing with lots of skin showing and sometimes leaving barely anything left to the imagination. In going against this trend Downtown Demure is a breath of fresh air.

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Hair And Makeup Artists And etc.

Koral Beauty

I am always on the lookout for fellow believers who are into beauty, hair care, healthy living and the like so I can share them on the blog. And I just so happen to stumble upon Koral Beauty on IG and wanted to share. Koral Beauty  is by two Ghanese beauties who live in Switzerland named Anaelle and Abigail.

If you are a fellow believer and would like to be featured whether it’s a video or picture please click the contact page to contact us. Thank You.