How to Forgive

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What does it look like to forgive someone? How do you walk it out? How do you heal from the hurt? These are questions I used to ask a lot. And, it wasn’t until this year that I really began to understand forgiveness – what it looks like, how to forgive, and how to heal the hurt. Through examples and stories, I share in today’s video what I’ve learned about forgiveness. Check it out! Hope you find it helpful **G.I.G.**


Watch the video below. Or, click here to watch it on YouTube:


All In

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One minute I’m encouraging others to do it, the next I’m buried in water…I spontaneously got baptized around this time last year. It wasn’t my first time. My first was at an age too young to remember why I did it. This time was different. I knew exactly why. I actually had been watching others do it for months, while secretly admiring their boldness. I wasn’t sure when I would muster up the courage to do it myself. I just knew God had done some amazing things in my heart and I wanted to publicly profess my love for Him. I’m not the “all eyes on me” type of person (and my church is kinda big), so, although I had a burning desire to do it, it terrified me at the same time. When I stepped into that pool, dressed in my work clothes, I was telling God that I’m desperate for You and I can’t wait any longer. As I descended in the spontaneous waters, I took my fears with me, but when I came back up, I had no idea that I left them behind. And, so started the decomposition of the old me…

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10 Scriptures for Conquering Stress

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blogger-image-1384804380Whether you’re in your career or you’re a college or high school student there’s one thing you
have in comm
on with each
other-stress. Stress that can leave you in a bad mood at the end of the day or maybe for the rest of the week. Prayerfully, I’ve learned how to overcome stress as I’m now in my career. But in college it was very difficult. There were days of hidden tears and moments of just wanting to give up. I held to my bible in those days but not tight enough because in the back of my mind I had little faith in myself.

The following are verses I compiled for you if you’re experiencing stress in your life as you’re writing that 10 page paper for class, completely confused about complicated math problems, worries about your next meal, how the bill on your counter will get paid or how things at your job feel like its just too much for you right now.

I encourage you to go through your bibles, highlight these and meditate on them. Place one that really captures your attention in your car, on your desk-anywhere that you’ll see on a daily basis to help you get through the day.


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I saw this one coming, so I turned to You and reassured You that I would remain by Your side. We had been dwelling together and doing life together so intently, and I wanted to continue to abide in You. So, I walked into the dark storm singing Your praises and holding Your hand. But…something was different when I came out. I was still standing, but I was badly wounded. “I foresaw the storm, but I had no idea it would inflict pain like this,” is what I told You as I released Your hand to nurse my hurt. Continue reading

Letter to My Husband 2017

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Hey Love,

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you’re doing well. It’s been a year since I wrote you, and there’s so much to catch up on! The past year was rough but good! Rough, because I experienced a lot of painful pruning. Good, because I experienced a lot of needed growth and healing. I was hoping that you and I would connect last year, as is the dream for every year, but I’m kinda glad that didn’t happen. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve matured, and in my mind, I thought I was ready. But, last year was the “year of the full-length mirror.” I say that because God showed me so many areas that needed to be addressed and were previously neglected because I had a “limited view.” Things I couldn’t see before were in plain view, and they were unsightly. I prayed Psalm 139:23-24 countless times in the years prior, and, boy, did God answer those prayers last year! Honestly, I wasn’t a fan of how He answered my prayers, there were many hurtful moments, but I am so glad He did. I needed it…You know what’s interesting? When praying for you, I prayed that you’d be most attracted to my spirit. I prayed that it would be like a sweet smelling perfume that drew you to me. I guess God is freshening up that perfume and making it more lovely lol 🙂

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2017 Resolutions

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Happy New Year everyone! With a new year comes new desires for a better version of yourself. My personal list is pretty long: I want to…continue learning Spanish (and actually hold a conversation), be consistent with working out (need to build my stamina), start volunteering with an orphanage, become more organized and better with time & money management, go on a mission trip, travel more, rest more, start drawing again, and blog more.

If I accomplish all those things, 2017 will be a good year. And, good is good, but I want it to be phenomenal! Subsequently, I’m going to work towards doing everything I just listed, but here are my main focal points for this year:

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