Originally posted on Nappily Nigerian Girl




Hi people, what’s been on?

I try to focus more on hairtalk….since this is primarily a natural hair blog but then I decided it won’t hurt to share a little bit of what I’ve learnt in another journey called life and how I’ve been able to cope with the good times and bad times.

My favorite quote comes from one of my favorite brands of hair products called “Aussie Moist” and it goes like this….

There’s more to life than hair but it’s a good place to start”.

It is indeed! I’ve learnt a lot of life lessons while taking care of my hair.

💅1. DO YOU.

Hair: Not everyone will be happy with how you choose to care for your hair or style it but finally, it’s YOUR hair and it grows out of YOUR scalp.

Life:  Not everyone will be happy with your life choices but like someone said “You came alone, you die alone”.

Your life is yours just like your hair is yours.



Hair: You can make the best hair care decisions and grow your hair long and healthy or you can make a lot of bad decisions and have damaged hair…

Life: Good choices, good life; bad choices, unhappy life.

💨3. KNOW.

Hair: You can choose to gain knowledge and obtain useful information that could help you take better care of your hair. You can have hair mentors to motivate you……or you can choose to make it up as you go along.
A longer path but oh well……

Life: You can educate yourself on the pros and cons of any decision you’d like to make. You can get a mentor. Someone who’s been there done that……or you can choose to make it up as you go along.
A longer path but oh well….


Hair: You can choose to learn from your hair care mistakes and correct them or start over with a big chop…..or you can choose to wallow in your mistakes, making yourself and everyone around you miserable about your bad hair day.

Life: You can choose to learn from your mistakes,  move on or start over….or you can become a miserable old bat….wallowing in regret.
It’s better late than never.


Hair: You may be at the big chop stage while others are at waist length stage.
It doesn’t matter because you’re walking your own hair journey and eventually you’ll get there.
In the meantime, enjoy that big chop so you’ll never look back and say, ‘I missed out on a fun big chop’ when you see another naturalista having fun with hers.

Life: You may not be where your peers are in life but you’re walking your own life’s journey and eventually you’ll meet up.
Have Faith.
God is in control.
In the meantime, look out for the fun interesting part of the stage of life you’re in because one day when you see another person making the best of that stage, you may regret all you missed out on.

  • As a student, enjoy the books and little financial responsibilities.
  • As an unemployed graduate, enjoy the freedom of not having a real work commitment and try your hands at different things…writing,  traveling, being a baker today and a fashion stylist tomorrow…have fun.
  • Employed, enjoy your job and bring your best to the table. Enjoy having something doing. Enjoy the responsibility. Enjoy the “beep beep” of credit alert. Quit complaining about how you hate your boss and your office and how you don’t earn much.There was a time you earned nothing. If it’s that bad, try to make a change.
  • Single….enjoy the freedom!  No baby duty, spouse duty etc. See the world, meet people! Don’t envy your married friends. You have a good thing going.
  • Married….enjoy the companionship. The laughter.  Having a family unit to call your very own. Don’t envy your single friends. You have a good thing going.


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  1. This is so true. When I first started my natural hair journey I was too concerned with trying to do everyone else hair care routine I never made my own which turned out wasn’t the healthiest thing for my hair

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