25 foods to ALWAYS purchase organic

Originally Posted on Body Unburdened


One of the easiest ways to shave down your grocery bill is to prioritize which foods you need to buy organic. The following 25 foods should ALWAYS be purchased organic either because they contain a high level of trace pesticides or because they are common GMOs.

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Burden of Desires

Originally posted on Fruitofmybranches.com

the weight

It all began the day He watched Adam and Even choose knowledge over intimacy with Him. That’s the day He picked up the burden, the burden of His desire to get us back in close fellowship with Him. It was a burden because He had to bear the weight of carrying the desire until just the right time to receive it. The separation of God and man was more painful for Him than it ever was for us. For years, He had to accept sacrifices from animals whose blood was never pure enough to last, and He had to go through priests that were just as fallen as us. When your desire is for a face to face relationship with someone, anything less doesn’t satisfy; it just makes the desires stronger and weightier. The only answer was to give His own Son as a sacrifice. His desire to be close to us was greater than the desire to preserve His Son.

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Weekly Recipe – Crock Pot Homestyle Pork Chops

Originally Posted on Recipesthatcrock.com



These Homestyle Crock Pot Pork Chops not only give you great flavor with minimal work, they have an awesome gravy that makes my mouth water just thinking about it!

Another great thing about this recipe is that it is ready in a just a couple of hours. You can throw it together as soon as you come home, get some things done around the house and still sit down for a delicious dinner! I just love a recipe that takes very little work but tastes amazing! Don’t you?!

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All In

Originally posted on Fruitofmybranches.com


One minute I’m encouraging others to do it, the next I’m buried in water…I spontaneously got baptized around this time last year. It wasn’t my first time. My first was at an age too young to remember why I did it. This time was different. I knew exactly why. I actually had been watching others do it for months, while secretly admiring their boldness. I wasn’t sure when I would muster up the courage to do it myself. I just knew God had done some amazing things in my heart and I wanted to publicly profess my love for Him. I’m not the “all eyes on me” type of person (and my church is kinda big), so, although I had a burning desire to do it, it terrified me at the same time. When I stepped into that pool, dressed in my work clothes, I was telling God that I’m desperate for You and I can’t wait any longer. As I descended in the spontaneous waters, I took my fears with me, but when I came back up, I had no idea that I left them behind. And, so started the decomposition of the old me…

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