
Originally posted on Fruitofmybranches.com


I saw this one coming, so I turned to You and reassured You that I would remain by Your side. We had been dwelling together and doing life together so intently, and I wanted to continue to abide in You. So, I walked into the dark storm singing Your praises and holding Your hand. But…something was different when I came out. I was still standing, but I was badly wounded. “I foresaw the storm, but I had no idea it would inflict pain like this,” is what I told You as I released Your hand to nurse my hurt. Continue reading

Letter to My Husband 2017

Originally posted on Fruitofmybranches.com


Hey Love,

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you’re doing well. It’s been a year since I wrote you, and there’s so much to catch up on! The past year was rough but good! Rough, because I experienced a lot of painful pruning. Good, because I experienced a lot of needed growth and healing. I was hoping that you and I would connect last year, as is the dream for every year, but I’m kinda glad that didn’t happen. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve matured, and in my mind, I thought I was ready. But, last year was the “year of the full-length mirror.” I say that because God showed me so many areas that needed to be addressed and were previously neglected because I had a “limited view.” Things I couldn’t see before were in plain view, and they were unsightly. I prayed Psalm 139:23-24 countless times in the years prior, and, boy, did God answer those prayers last year! Honestly, I wasn’t a fan of how He answered my prayers, there were many hurtful moments, but I am so glad He did. I needed it…You know what’s interesting? When praying for you, I prayed that you’d be most attracted to my spirit. I prayed that it would be like a sweet smelling perfume that drew you to me. I guess God is freshening up that perfume and making it more lovely lol 🙂

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