A Woman’s 50 Shades of Addiction to Porn

Originally Posted On MemoirsOfAVirtuousWoman.com


Many women are silently suffering with sexual addictions from porn. It is effecting their lives and relationships. For some this is even leading to very bad decisions with  permanent consequences. And yet many women they feel there is no one that they can talk to about their problems (secret sins). -JNJ



“Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God; for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempeth he any man.” James 1:13

By a show of hands, who has ever read the ’50 shades of Gray’ trilogy? Watched Orange is the new black? How about Game of Thrones? Well, I have and I’m sure a few of you have as well. Sure you’re wondering well what does this have to do with pornography. In short, it has everything to do with it. But I’m a Christian Woman I don’t watch that filth called PORN. I’ve said that plenty of times myself also. Let’s analyze how the enemy uses entertainment as a deception to pull in more Christian women as ourselves into his web of lies.

Most addictions, habits, or thrills come from within. It is rooted deep within our hearts, sometimes without us even knowing that it exist. Then one day, an innocent relaxing day on the couch filled binge show/movie watching turns into an awakening of a spirt; a perverted spirit. Maybe it’s not binge watching shows or movies, but you finally want to read a few recommended romance novels; again an awakening of a perverted spirit. Because those ‘romance novels’ have turned into a book filled with pornography. Or clicking on gossip sites that have these 15 second videos of “comical entertainment” that involves sexual acts. Better yet, scrolling down your news feed.glamorized

That movie you want to watch, “50 Shades of Gray” is the highest grossing ‘explicit film. A movie that was created to put what was on paper to film. A film that praises sexual activities. A film that glamorized the nude bodies and sexual intercourse of its characters. Then you decided to read another form of ‘book porn’- yes, there is a thing. Book-porn is just porn put in a book with a catchy ‘storyline’. Jump to entertainment sites like World Star Hip Hop. Everyone wants a video of some sort listed on the site which includes the endless list of lost souls who engage in sexual activities on camera for some likes and views. Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr have all joined in the same race to glamorize sex. One click can change your news feed and awaken a lustful spirit into your heart.

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