Upgrade (Monday Motivation)

Originally Posted on FruitOfMyBranches.com


It’s been a “minute” since I’ve blogged. Sorry for the prolonged M.I.A. status! The last time I posted I shared details of my experience living out a vow of purity. It seems only fitting to pick up where I left off, especially since today is my anniversary. Yes, today marks 20 years since I promised to save myself for marriage. I’m going to be honest with you, at the moment that I’m writing this blog post, there are no potentials, no options, no crushes, no secret admirers (unless they’re REALLY good at keeping secrets), no hey-how-you-doings, no let-me-take-you-outs, no nothing…and, I’m okay with that (for real). So, how is it that I’m okay with celebrating 20 years of purity without an end in sight? Purpose.

I’ve been blessed enough to “stumble” across my purpose this year. I say “stumble,” but I know it was strategically revealed to me by my mastermind Father. I was completely oblivious to it, but turns out He was dropping hints for years. Thankfully, He picked this year to piece everything together for me. And, now that everything makes sense, I stand back and look at my purpose in awe, simply amazed that He chose me. My heart is overwhelmed with wonder and excitement at what I’ve been chosen to do. I am called to “pursue the rejected and love the broken” – two things I’ve been for years, rejected and broken, but now He’s healed me so I can help heal others. Wow! How beautiful is that? Tears are streaming from eyes as I write this….

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