Good concealer for your tired under eyes and blemishes

Blue eyes

© Alenaphoto

I usually stick with drugstore brands because I am on a budget so right now Maybelline is my go to. On rare occasions when I do purchase a high-end makeup, for instance my Bobbi Brown highlighting bronzer, it is because it’s something I can’t find anything similar to in the drugstore, it works extremely well and little goes a long way. So if they have all of those attributes then the price to me is worth it.

Back to Maybelline… I wanted to mention this concealer for those of you who want to have a great concealer and still look natural as if you don’t really have on any makeup and get a good drugstore bargain price.

The Maybelline Better Skin Concealer is a really good concealer. And it is currently my fave. I also like Milani’s makeup and concealers but its hard to find in the stores where I live.

If you have oily skin make sure to use a setting powder or spray if you have any problems. I have oily skin and don’t have issues but I have read that others have.



A review and Demo by NaturalMe4C


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